Couple Therapy
Sex Therapy
Couple Therapy
Sex Therapy
People turn to therapy for a variety of reasons. Some need help coping with depression, anxiety, panic attacks or social anxiety. Others may be suffering from interpersonal problems that hamper their ability to establish or maintain a relationship. And there are those who seek guidance in negotiating a life crisis or improving self-esteem. Partners may turn to couple therapy when experiencing conflict, communication problems, parenting issues, infidelity, infertility or divorce. Sex therapy helps individuals and couples suffering from sexual problems and sexual dysfunction such as lack of desire, erectile dysfunction, vaginismus, performance anxiety or even sexual addiction.
My approach is both humanistic and practical and draws on a wide range of techniques from cognitive-behavioral therapy to more in-depth psychodynamic therapy. Counseling must address the complexity and depth of each individual while effecting tangible change in the present. In some cases, short-term, goal-oriented therapy is most effective. In others, long-term therapy will delve more deeply into the underlying emotional source of the problem.
Often people come to therapy in a state of crisis, feeling confused, frustrated and helpless. In psychotherapy one can attain new insight, learn to manage anxiety, develop coping skills, and discover and mobilize inner resources. Thus, difficulties that once seemed insurmountable can be transformed into forces for change and growth. Moreover, beyond relieving symptoms or solving specific problems, therapy is an opportunity to better understand oneself and realize one’s full unique potential.
I treat a variety of individuals and couples from various communities including secular, religious, Jewish, Muslim, Druze, Christian and LGBT.
Clinic located in Nofit serving residents of the North, Haifa, Krayot, Jezreel Valley and the Lower Galilee. Also serving residents of Ramat Yishai, Tivon, Nazareth, Akko, Afula, Migdal HaEmek, Yokneam, Carmiel and Naharia.